CLIENT Reviews
Working With Psychiatrists
I have worked closely with Psychiatrists and General Practitioners to get correct and prompt treatment for clients struggling with ADHD symptoms, marital or relationship issues, and help for their family members.
Psychiatrists have valued the contact with me as a professional counsellor because they recognise the benefits of relationships and counselling for people with ADHD or ASD.
Dr. Edward M. “Ned” Hallowell is an American child and adult psychiatrist who specialises in ADD and ADHD. He is the co-author of the books Driven To Distraction and Delivered From Distraction.
Dr. Ashar Khan has been in Private Practice at the Gold Coast for 12 years. He provides integrated Specialist Psychiatry, Neuropsychology and Psychology services with a focus on the individual, their partners, carers and family.

Client names withheld for privacy reasons…
11/09/2020: “I can’t thank you enough for the program and the modules. I’ve learned so much about myself and about relationships. I now understand her (separated wife) so much better and long for the chance to be a better husband and dad. But even if we never get back together, I can still be a better person, and treat her and the children appropriately so that I can continue to be in relationship with them. I never knew this stuff before – you just act the way you saw your parents act. And they didn’t know any better. But I know better, because I now have this knowledge and understanding. I had to go through this crisis in order to find you and this program.
— Verbal comments from male Fast Fix Marriage Formula client, during phone session.