ADHD Relationships

World-renowned expert in making marriages flourish and ADHD/ASD Specialist Coach Karen Gosling provides the the best ADHD Relationships coaching where a family member has been diagnosed with ADHD or has symptoms of ADHD… because my purpose is to touch people’s lives when they’re needing some emotional support and compassion, and to give you the clarity, courage, and tools you need to fix the impact of ADHD on your relationships.

Have you been diagnosed with ADHD?
Do you or a family member show symptoms of ADHD?

When you know about ADHD Relationships you are able to work on your marriage or improve family relationships. If not, your efforts can be seriously hindered.

When ADHD affects your relationship, whether you are a parent or a partner, any counseling or coaching must begin with education. Learn about the traits and characteristics of ADHD. Understand why the ADHD child or adult reacts and behaves as they do.

Knowledge and awareness helps the ADHD person understand how their behavior impacts others. This validates why you feel what you feel – whether you are the ADHD person or a loved one.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, there’s a good chance that one or both parents have it too. I work with couples to resolve disputes and develop strong communication in ADHD relationships. Both with each other and with your children.

Not all children with ADHD grow out of it. They become adults with ADHD but learn to manage and mask it to some extent.

ADHD adults know they are different but aren’t sure why. They struggle with aspects of their lives, often feeling like frauds and frustrated with having to work at 150% effort to get things done. They want the very best for their kids yet often contribute to the issues.

Are you living in ADHD Relationships with someone who has trouble managing their anger, spends money impulsively, or gets bored easily?

To the husbands: Does your wife always say she’s exhausted? Is she disorganized and often late for appointments? Does she get stressed with the children and often feel overwhelmed with everyday life? Do you feel like your household is simply complete chaos?

To the wives: Do you get exasperated when your husband says he’ll do something but then doesn’t follow through? Perhaps you argue about him forgetting things, being irritable, and often snappy. Although he denies this when you comment on it. Do you frequently have to rescue your children from an angry or inattentive dad in ADHD Relationships?

Perhaps you feel a low priority and accuse your husband of being selfish and self-absorbed.

Yet you love him – his sense of humor, his love of life. You know he is a good person, and he can be a great dad, but at times his behaviour drives you mad. He is creative and occasionally brilliant and can totally focus on something that interests him. But pay you no attention at all.

ADHD people are usually kind, warm, fun-loving, have a zest for life, and a crazy sense of humor. They are also forgetful, run late, and let people down. They are messy, disorganized, and seldom get around to what they say they will do. Well, not without a whole lot of nagging!

If you’re an ADHD adult in ADHD Relationships, you will find that your partner complains about you. They criticize you, get mad, are often upset, and tell you she can’t cope anymore, and you have absolutely no idea why.

ADHD people and their partners need to learn to recognize the symptoms of ADHD and how it impacts their personal life, their family life, and their relationships.

The most commonly used word to describe the life and mind of an ADHD adult is CHAOS! Stuff everywhere in the house, yet you still buy more. Your brain is always busy with hundreds of thoughts whirling around — it never switches off. And you go all over the place in your thoughts as you try to control the chaos in your mind. No wonder you always feel exhausted!

Are You Living In Chaos?


Not knowing about ADHD when trying to work on your marriage or improve family relationships can be a serious drawback.

adhd brain
energy levels of adhd

What happens in ADHD Relationship Counselling ...

Karen Gosling is recognised as a specialist ADHD and marriage counsellor utilising effective techniques to better your mental health. She offers specialist individual and family counselling in ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Disorders/Asperger’s and will provide the strategies you need to feel confident, complete and hopeful for the future. Karen is dedicated to helping you find the answer for you, working on a counselling plan with you and your loved ones to begin the process of healing the ADHD brain.

Karen’s ADHD or Adult ADD coahing is initially about education … teaching you about the traits and characteristics of these Neuro-cognitive differences … and understanding why you feel what you feel in the context of your spouse/family relationship. It’s about treating the whole person … addressing the root of the problem rather than just the symptom. It helps you understand how behaviours driven by different brains impact on other people around you. 

An experienced ADHD Coach, Marriage Counsellor, and Social Worker for more than 35 years, Karen works collaboratively with Dr Ashar Khan, Clinic Director and Psychiatrist at QLD ADHD & Neurosciences Clinic (QANC), Benowa, Queensland, providing families, carers, and partners an avenue for education, awareness and understanding of complex Neurocognitive Disorders. This is done using an holistic evidence based, integrated and scientific approach involving the individual and the stakeholders from the very first consult to provide an integrated care plan.

Karen and the QANC team are passionate about their high functioning clientele who tend to inadvertently mask and minimise their cognitive difficulties without the realisation of its impact on their relationships, achievements, and mental health.

Karen also works with patients of Dr Glen Craig, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, The Southport Psychiatry & Psychology Clinic, Southport, Gold Coast and other psychiatrists, general practitioners, and allied health professionals .

Not knowing about ADHD and it’s impact on others when trying to maintain and grow your marriage and family relationships can be a serious drawback. When you’re trying to fix your relationship but your emotions are out of control, you will always end up fighting. Learning how ADHD impacts the emotional style of ADHDs in relationships will help you understand why ADHDs behave the way they do. It’s time to get some professional help.

You can change this today. 

I can help you to:

  • Lay the groundwork for building emotional skills to achieve a high level of peace and calm within the ADHD.
  • Teach ADHDs about their emotional style – the fight or flight response – and how they react in emotional situations.
  • Understand the ADHD brain – learn how the ADHD brain affects personal emotions and begin the healing process.

I help put you in charge of your life so that upsetting events can be resolved. 

When you heal emotionally, your body doesn’t always feel those strong emotions. 

Over the last 35 years I have counselled more than 1,139 couples from 98 nationalities worldwide. I have seen the changes of what works and what doesn’t.

Since returning to live on the Gold Coast in 2009, after 12 years living and working my counselling practice in Singapore, I have helped more than 200 couples and their children deal with ADHD/ASD in their marriage or relationship.

I have learnt the best way to help partners and their children where ADHD is present to celebrate and heal the ADHD brain, and fix unresolved hurt feelings and poor communication to reconnect with each other.

Call me now for more information on +61 413-750-699.

world-renowned expert in flourishing marriages and specialist adhd/asd coach karen gosling

ADHD In Your Relationships?

Karen Gosling ADHD/ASD Counselling
Labrador, Gold Coast, Australia, 4215
T: +61 413 750 699

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Contact: Emergency services 000
Lifeline 13 11 14 Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

ADHD Relationships is NOT an emergency service. All appointments are booked and paid in advance and conducted on completion of our online Professional Counselling Agreement. Click Here.